
Influence of Marketing Factors on Scuba Diving Trip Selection


This questionnaire is set for the independent study of Master Degree in International Business Administration at Kasetsart University. Its primary objective is to investigate influences of marketing factors toward the selection of scuba diving trip.

This questionnaire comprises of 3 parts. Please follow the instruction indicated in each section to answer as close to your opinion as possible. Your answers and your information herein will be kept confidently and be used for academic purposes in this study only.

A. Are you a certified diver?
B. Since certified, have you ever make decision about trip selection?

Part 1 Personal Data

Instruction: Please select 1 or more choices or fill in the space provide towards your personal facts.

1. Gender
2. Age
3. Marital status
4. Highest education background
5. Occupation
6. Personal monthly income

Part 2 Personal Data regarding Scuba Diving

Instruction: Please select 1 or more choices or fill in the space provide towards your personal scuba diving facts.

7. Which diving certifying organization are you certified from?
8. What is your highest certified level (or as same level as PADI)?
9. How long have you been diving?
10. What is your accumulate dives up to present?
11. How often do you go diving (no. of dives per year)?
12. Which dive sites are your preferred dive sites (can be selected more than 1)?
13. Who has influences on your trip selection? (can be selected more than 1)
14. Where do you get diving trip information from? (can be selected more than 1)
15. Which channels do you buy your diving trip from? (can be selected more than 1)

Part 3 Questions on influence of marketing mix toward diving trip selection

Instruction: Please select a choice in the block according to your opinion.

Please indicate level of influence of the following marketing factors on your diving trip selection.

Marketing Mix Level of Influence
Most InfluenceHighly InfluenceModerateLess InfluenceLeast Influence
Product and Service 54321
16. Reputation and reliability of the dive center /shop
17. Variety of dive sites in the trip program
18. Reputation and attractiveness of dive sites in the trip program
19. Your convenience regarding the departure / arrival date
20. No. of days used in the program
Price 54321
21. Cheaper than other dive centers/shops
22. Price is all inclusive throughout the trip
23. Credit card is accepted
24. Installment plan is available
Distribution 54321
25. Dive center/shop is convenient to access
26. Trip can be bought through website/email/msn
27. Trip can be bought through phone/fax/sms
Promotion 54321
28. Premium is offered
29. Discount of on price is offered
30. Gift voucher is offered
31. Point collection for redemptions is available
People 54321
32. Staff dress properly and well behave
33. Staff have good knowledge and can communicate efficiently
34. Staff are informative and prompt to provide service
35. Staff are friendly and get along well with customers
36. Staff can offer alternatives when you require
Process 54321
37. Food, medicine, accommodation, equipment are well prepared in advance
38. Security is given first priority
39. Program and service is developed and adjusted according to customer comments
Physical Evidence 54321
40. Dive center/shop is big and displays products nicely
41. Dive center/shop’s website are beautiful, easy to use, and informative
42. Accommodation/liveaboard boat size is suitable and is clean
43. Facilities at accommodation/onboard is sufficient
44. Accommodation/liveaboard boat is luxurious

Thank you for your time to answer the questionnaire.